Collaboration between Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University (Saburai) and the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Indonesian Advocates Congress (KAI) of Lampung Province must be able to provide added value for both parties. This was conveyed by the Acting Chancellor, Dr Febriansyah SE MM MH after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Saburai University and DPD KAI Lampung, Monday, September 25 2023 at the Saburai University Foundation Building.
Apart from providing added value, it is also a form of developing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, so that Saburai University is able to compete with other universities in Lampung Province.
“We really welcome this collaboration, which of course can exchange benefits and provide mutual benefits,” said Febri.
Febri also said that Saburai University provides opportunities for collaboration in various aspects.
“Proof of our seriousness, this MoU derivative was immediately followed up by signing the PKS (cooperation agreement) so that it could be implemented immediately. “How can there be a positive synergy between academics and practitioners in the future, namely combining theory and practice,” he explained.
Chairman of the DPD KAI Lampung, Adv Lukman Nur Hakim SH CIL, expressed his appreciation and thanks for the realization of the signing of this MoU.
“Of course, thanks to Saburai University, especially the Chancellor of Saburai University,” said Lukman
Lukman on this occasion conveyed
several points of cooperation with Saburai University.
“Collaboration for Advocate Professional Skills Education (PKPA), implementation of internships for Saburai University students, upgrading KAI Lampung DPD members and Saburai students,” said Lukman.
What is no less important, continued Lukman, is the free consultation program for the community.
“We are also grateful for the collaboration between Saburai University and DPD KAI Lampung regarding free consultations. “In fact, it is planned that this free consultation will be presented at the Lampung Fair from 6 to 21 October 2023 at the Way Halim stadium, Bandar Lampung,” he said.
Lukman said that his party was also ready to introduce the advocate profession to female students at Saburai University, especially the law faculty.
“Advocates as an honorable profession (officium nobile) who in carrying out their profession are under the protection of law, laws and codes of ethics, have freedom based on the honor and personality of advocates who adhere to independence, honesty, confidentiality and openness. “And everything is regulated in law,” added Lukman.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the University Foundation Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng P. Harianto, MS, said that DPD KAI Lampung and Saburai University could work together well and for mutual benefit.
“Establish good cooperation and provide mutual benefits,” said the former Chancellor of Unila.
It is known that the Acting Chancellor of Saburai University, Dr Febriansyah SH MH MM and the Chair of the Saburai University Foundation, including:
Deputy Academic Chancellor
Dr. Maristiana Ayu, SE, MS., Akt., CA., CSRS
and Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs
Dr. Idham, S.Ag., SH, MH, and Dean of the Faculty of Law
Dr. Sri Zanariyah, SH, MH
Then, Head of Law Studies Study Program, Tian Terina, SH, MH, Head of Law Masters Study Program, Dr. Dwi Putri Melati, SH, MH, and Fajar Sasora SIP, M.Si as
Head of LPS cooperation.
Meanwhile, also present accompanying the KAI Lampung DPD, Lukman Nur Hakim SH CIL, included: Regional Secretary of the KAI Lampung DPD, Indra Jaya SH MH CIL CMe, Deputy Chair for Organization and Membership Putu Hendrayana SH MH CIL and Treasurer, Nofrizal.SH CIL.
Then, Deputy Chair for Education, Darius Aldrin SH, Director of LBH Advokai, Panca AT, Rizki Tausiyah SH, Yusril Tanjung SH as members and head of the secretariat, Rico and Rere and Gheovani as members. RADARCOM
Meanwhile, also present accompanying the KAI Lampung DPD, Lukman Nur Hakim SH CIL
Collaboration between Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University (Saburai) and the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Indonesian Advocates Congress (KAI) of Lampung Province must be able to provide added value for both parties.